Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Crosschips NYC Hot Dog Stands

HOLY CHIPS! You head into tourist nation of NYC and you can find a hot dog stand at almost every single corner! The best part is, they are all around $1.00!!! Now, this makes for a certian type of Crosschips that we don't really care for that much, one that involves activities such as walking, standing and leaving the cozy confines of your favorite couch of recliner, but in New York, you don't have many options other than walking.

So, what my cousin and I did was walk to every hot dog stand we saw, ordered a hot dog and continued onto the next one. We would stop in between stands, have a beer at a local bar and keep on trucking. The goal was to reach a high number of hot dog intake until we literally had to find a toilet for the dirty deuce. I made it to 14 hot dogs in what seemed to be a 4 mile walk. Not bad if you ask me.

I know that hot dogs seem to be one of the Crosschips staples, but it is one of the cheapest & easiest items to make and eat for your exercise. So here we go.
Dogs & Beers; Eat a dog, have a beer, eat a dog, have a beer and continue until you can no longer chew or drink. Should be good for a Friday.

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