Thursday, August 20, 2009

Crosschips NYC ESPN ZONE

So after walking around for 4 hours, we got to Time Square which was full of people. Probably should have waited till night time to check it out for the full effect, I'll do it next time. Anyway, after 4 hours of walking you tend to get tired and hungry and in need of serious libations. We decided to head into the ESPN Zone for some brewdoggers, Crosschips & the air conditioning.

This is a panorama of the bar above, it came out kind of dark but whatever. They had on the LOLions game there, which they ended up winning to continue their 5 straight preseason game winning streak.

The ESPN Zone is of course pricey, but you had to choose wisely in order to get the best Crosschips for your money. We went for the 23 Oz beers & Nachos. Each beer was $10.50, but it was Sam Adams Summer Ale & much better then a 12 oz PBR can for $5 (crap bar on Thursday). I have nothing against PBR, I drink it when I can, but to pay $5 is a sin against all mankind, e-fact. The Nachos were $9.

Here is the Crosschips...(there were more chips in there but I took the picture late.)

We each had 3, 23 oz beers and a plate of Nachos each. DOMINATED IT. Good times.

Drink over 69(lol)oz of beer and eat a whole bag of tortilla chips & one jar of nacho cheese for your best time. WOO FRIDAY!

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